you can use version 6.1.0
> 我也存在这个问题,请问解决了吗 降级到v1.0.1版本就没这个问题了
```vue import { ref, watch } from 'vue' const visible = ref(false); const inputref = ref(); const inputtext = ref(''); const opened = () => { inputref.value?.focus(); } Click me...
https://github.com/element-plus/element-plus/blob/54489d0eaa0f855b3cebc313afc9e8f350e1b493/packages/components/dialog/src/dialog.vue#L31 这个组件做的,他会在el-dialog-content渲染成功后将其focus,所以你要等这一步完成后再手动去focus其它元素。
> 提了个pr,希望可以采纳 #22
>  > > QQ2024131-112753-HD.mp4 > When I clicked the link, it jumped to other place. This is done by vitepress, normal pages will not do this. [Reference here](https://github.com/vuejs/vitepress/blob/54042ef5760e0af5590b616d909e7f23effedc22/src/client/app/router.ts#L208C26-L208C30)
> Hi @Fuphoenixes I left quite a lot comments for your consideration, if you have any questions for me please let me know! Most of the code LGTM, but I...