Bei mir hat folgendes funktioniert: in die /usr/local/lib/node_modules/homebridge-homematic/ChannelServices/channel_config.json unter "channelconfig" folgendes einfügen: ``` { "type": "HmIP-STHO:CLIMATE_TRANSCEIVER", "service": "HomeMaticHomeKitWeatherStationServiceIP" }, ``` In der HomeMaticHomeKitWeatherStationServiceIP.js unterhalb ``` this.currentStateCharacteristic["HUMIDITY"] = chum; chum.eventEnabled =...
> Vielleicht noch ein grundsätzlicher Tipp für alle die hier scheitern. > Wer von euch die 0.0.109 NPM installiert hat der braucht es nicht versuchen da hier die Klasse/Service HomeMaticHomeKitWeatherStationServiceIP...
Understandable. I've already tried "sanitizing" the dictionary returned by epgxmltv but that didn't do anything. Would this even be the correct approach?
I will try upgrading to VTI 15 tomorrow. Thanks for the info about the char, this is one of the characters I tried removing from the "ret" dictionary but that...
I would be very interested in this as well.
I found a way to circumvent this behaviour. Take a look at the [State-Switch](https://github.com/thomasloven/lovelace-state-switch) and [Blank](https://github.com/jeremywillans/lovelace-blank-card) Cards. In this example I used the browser width to determine if header cards...
Issue still present in HA 2022.4.1
Thanks, appreciate it 😄 Another, question / suggestion: Time based searches? E.g. 2022-04-17-17:16:00
Seems possible: https://github.com/igorbrigadir/twitter-advanced-search/ Honestly, all the operators from the time class would be interesting to me 🤔
True, I was speaking of these operators or am I just blind? 🙈 Class | Operator | Finds Tweets… | Eg: -- | -- | -- | -- Time |...