My Chrome has no such bug, but it can be replicated in Firefox (111.0.1). It appears that in https://github.com/doccano/v-annotator/blob/07ffaf69fba488fa92d5289d980529d07e9b8136/src/domain/models/EventHandler/TextSelectionHandler.ts#L29-L30 Firefox may return ancestor elements (rather than `#text`) as `focusNode` or...
Same problem. Is there any way to disable injection on startup by default?
> 大概看了一下,看起来用 bison ScheduleConfig 向 Platform 中注入 httpx Client 的方式也可以完成代码中实现的逻辑,但是不能实现失败后reset session然后重新请求的功能,我也得想想这个怎么做 https://www.python-httpx.org/advanced/#event-hooks 或许可行?在 Response 中添加一个 Event Hook,若 403 则重新配置 session。