Luis Froylán Zamudio Rivero
Luis Froylán Zamudio Rivero
Hi Serena, We am currently using T2 images and trying to get optimal T1rho images to work with as well. We are starting a new Knee project and we have...
Hi, I had already installed the ITK widgets, i could see them in the extension manager. i uninstalled and am currently trying to reinstall them. I also had another issue...
This is the error i have been getting with the intensity standardization step --------------------------------------------------------------------------- RemoteTraceback Traceback (most recent call last) RemoteTraceback: """ Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\Luis\Anaconda3\lib\multiprocessing\", line...
Just found the issue with the 3D widget. Apparently it was either adblocker or pop up blocker extension on chrome that was blocking the widget from showing up. thanks either...
Hi again, i am getting the issue with the demo images, still haven´t tried to use my own set as i want it to have it running smoothly by then....
Hi I think i found something interesting. The origin of the second image is different because it appears to be the origin of the otsu filter mask used for the...
To answer your question, yes, i tried it, the problem was mostly when trying to process more than one at a time. A small update, I dug into the code...