Wladislav Artsimovich

Results 89 comments of Wladislav Artsimovich

@lonkamikaze Tested again today on 2 different machines. Powerdxx works for this machine: Specs: Machine it works for ``` System: Host: flandre Kernel: FreeBSD 12.2-RELEASE-p1 amd64 bits: 64 compiler: clang...

@lonkamikaze Thanks on following up on old issues :] Will test it.

> I found a bug with the address sanitiser, I have a vague hope that that might have been the issue: [28e61db](https://github.com/lonkamikaze/powerdxx/commit/28e61dbd3c5ecbb43d161729b5afb18d38f40d76) > > Are you willing to test this?...

> No, it's not doing anything like that. > > To use the core dumps provided I also need the binary that was run, otherwise I cannot create a backtrace....

> This is a stripped binary, no debugging symbols, can you test a binary built with `make debug paranoid`? On my system the resulting binary is 5 MB large. When...

> It's very frustrating. I cannot get a backtrace out of the coredump, there's just a single frame, not being resolved to any function and if I run the binary...

> set `files.associations: { "*.frag": "c" }` that should be a workaround Indeed, that works and formats the file correctly, but as you already guessed, IntelliSense flips out with errors:...

>The default is clangFormat. Ohh, good to know. > You could try setting the C_Cpp.errorSquiggles to "Disabled" I must remain in glsl mode to get the glsl linting via https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=dtoplak.vscode-glsllint...

Here it is: Output of greprop | grep build ``` [build.version.extensions.r]: [0] [ro.bootimage.build.date]: [Tue Aug 10 00:29:06 UTC 2021] [ro.bootimage.build.date.utc]: [1628555346] [ro.bootimage.build.fingerprint]: [oneplus/bacon/A0001:5.0.2/LRX22G/YNG1TAS0YL:user/release-keys] [ro.build.characteristics]: [default] [ro.build.date]: [Tue Aug 10 00:29:06...

> Am I understanding this correctly `v0.21.15` has the bug and `v0.21.14` does not have the bug? Correct. > we didn't update ExoPlayer in v0.21.15 and just disabled the MediaParser....