Frederik Sauer

Results 44 comments of Frederik Sauer

Remember to add `doctrine/dbal` to normal dependencies for it to work, otherwise `migrate` will blow up. I guess it should be added to docs somewhere if/when this gets merged.

@ryanmitchell can you merge `3.3` into this one as well?

@ryanmitchell made a few performance changes, as I saw roles and groups being fetched 10 times each - ryanmitchell/cms#2

@ryanmitchell I missed the `$table->id('id')` => `$table->id()` cleanup in `src/Console/Commands/stubs/auth/statamic_auth_tables.php.stub` - but it's really just a visual thing. @jasonvarga got any additional feedback on this?

I currently need a composer patch to get this functionality working, which is not quite optimal, so if you could move it along it would be very much appreciated.

Shouldn't it be possible to import users, groups and roles from files to database?

@ryanmitchell I've provided fixes here: ryanmitchell/cms#1

@ryanmitchell can you merge the latest changes of `3.3` into this?

@jasonvarga I'm struggling to figure out where to add `@blueprint` as an option for collection templates, since it's a lot more difficult to manually change when storing collections in the...

@jasonvarga yeah I kinda tunnel visioned and wrote it here, before I realized it's not strictly related to Eloquent. Having `@blueprint` as a selectable option would be ideal imo, since...