Hi, I'm mixing Angular project with bootstrap lib and would like to have in my Angular project two theme files, one with default values, another with custom values, like this:...
Is there a way to change path to translation files? I have them in different directory than `assets/i18n` and would like not to have to move them. Thanks.
I have own component (which extends Toast) and I need to show different content for different toast types (warning/error/...). Am I able to achieve this information from inside the component?...
Hi, I encountered this strange behavior when I tried to run my application in production (i.e. parameter ```"optimization": true``` in ```angular.json``` file). I use command ```router.navigate``` with ```queryParams```, within which...
When I set this provider ``` providers: [ { provide: MAT_DATE_LOCALE, useValue: }, ], ``` everything regarding localisation works fine (abbreviations of days, months etc.), except first day of week....