Jonathan Frey
Jonathan Frey
Hi, this repository might be interesting for you: It was open-sourced very recently. And I am personally also interested to check it out more and to get to know...
Hi @pariterre , Good to hear from you, that sounds great! :blush: :ok_hand: I did not use conda-forge myself yet, but seems like a cool project. It would definitely be...
Hi @pariterre I had a look at your installation script and wonder: Why do you have to replace the `python_requires` and the `CasADi` dependency? Would a more loose version requirement,...
@pariterre it seems the conda-forge `acados` project is on hold now. I suggest merge and close this issue. Or do you think there is more to come?
Hi, thanks for reporting this! I am working on adding support for QP solvers through the high-level interfaces (Matlab and Python) here: I will also try to look at...
No sorry, must have been a missclick :see_no_evil:
UPDATE: I found out the example does not crash when changing ` plan->sim_solver_plan[i].sim_solver = NEW_LIFTED_IRK;` to ` plan->sim_solver_plan[i].sim_solver = IRK;` @zanellia Do you have an idea, why using this integrator...
Just to update this issue: This PR applied the changes suggested in the comment above: > A step in the direction of fixing 32-bit support would be to edit...
On which acados version are you? What error do you get when running `example_sim`?
ok, just the `example_ocp` doesn't work for you. Can you switch to the latest acados version and check if it works? The version you have seems at least 6 months...