Fredrik Arvidsson
Fredrik Arvidsson
At least that's what I think is causing the following issue. Left is the output from Terraform Plan. Right is the comment generated in the PR by the terraform-pr-commenter action....
App registrations in Azure AD support custom application roles that are emitted as a `roles` claim in the `id_token`. #### Is your feature request related to a problem? Roles...
Plan showed: ``` # kubectl_manifest.argocd_bootstrap will be updated in-place ~ resource "kubectl_manifest" "argocd_bootstrap" *** id = "/apis/" name = "bootstrap" ~ yaml_body = (sensitive value) # (13 unchanged attributes hidden)...
### Nuget Package JsonSchema.Net ### Package Version 5.1.0 ### Can this library make doing something simpler? Pre 5.0.0 one could use the `EvaluationResults.Ignore()` to exclude evaluation results, for example any...
When using third party dependency injection frameworks together with .NET Core, you'll end up with two IOC containers. One provided by Microsoft for framework dependencies, and one for the application...
It seems pending period is bound to the evaluation interval when the UI for an alert rule is loaded even if there is a custom pending period defined. In the...
When creating an instance of a model using the static `Create` method, optional, and I guess nullable, properties are modeled in the method signature to be nullable/optional C# types. This...
I'm trying to create contained database users right after a database has been created using the `azurerm_mssql_database` resourrce. However the `mssql_user` create request fails for various reasons: `Error: unable to...
As [kiwigrid/k8s-sidecar now support loading credentials from file]( it would be great if this could be configured for the Grafana helm chart instead of REQ_PASSWORD etc to be able to...