@caffery-chen @jktjkt @AndreaDAmico I agree with caffery-chen. Fiber WDL is often overlooked (=assumed 0) and is one of the most limiting factors in long haul transmission with ILAs (in line...
I also want to add that as discussed above there are two components of this. The linear WDL attenuation and the consequence of different attenuation between channels for non-linear effects....
@AndreaDAmico, thanks I will check out the publication.
Dear @AndreaDAmico I find your article very interesting and well written. Regarding fiber WDL I cannot seem to find measurement results although I might very well have missed it. The...
@AndreaDAmico Thanks for the update. Do you know when it will be accessible/possible to share. If not too long I can wait for that.
@AndreaDAmico Great thanks. I noticed in your publication you had 7 G655 fibers (low dispersion numbers) and 1 G652 (D=16.7). Was there any difference between the fibertypes? Could you also...