@Solomon1588 Hello~I encounter the same error,Have you solved this problem? @BrotherJing Excuse me, can you give a full explanation of changing the PYTHONPATH?? I compiled the caffe and under the...
@arikpoz Thanks for your sharing. And I have a question that when I am trying to visualize the VGG16 trained on the Faster R-CNN, I modified the mean.npy, prototxt,labels.txt and...
@arikpoz My model was not trained here, and the caffe was not installed by me, I am not sure the version. So you mean the problem was caused by the...
@arikpoz I learned that the Faster-RCNN requires its own branch of caffe. This branch includes roi_pooling_layer and its associated parameters. When I was training a model just followed the installation...
the full information: `xxxdeMac-mini:~ xxx$ npm i -g opencv4nodejs > [email protected] install /usr/local/lib/node_modules/opencv4nodejs/node_modules/opencv-build > node ./install.js info install if you want to use an own OpenCV installation set OPENCV4NODEJS_DISABLE_AUTOBUILD info...
@erenaud3 thanks a lot,my problem solved. @dragstor maybe you can try to stop earlier
@KaiJin1995 请问下楼主,检测和识别是怎么联系起来的?先用MTCNN做检测,然后把检测到的bbox或小图作为后续输入??
@KaiJin1995 方便加下q咩~我还有些细节想请教下~ 904590476 谢谢哇