Fred Deschenes

Results 4 comments of Fred Deschenes

@buremba : As a quick workaround, you could use the `Map.Entry` mapper mentioned above and do `.map { it.toPair() }` (the `toPair` extension method is added to the `Map.Entry` class...

Sorry I'm a bit late to the party, but wouldn't using `bindMethods` (or the `BindMethods` annotation) work? I rarely use Lombok myself (and I've never used it with JDBI), but...

Oops, I missed the part about this being for mappers -_- In that case, Lombok supposedly generates the `@ConstructorProperties` annotation on the constructor if you have the `@AllArgsConstructor` annotation on...

@TheRealMarnes : Yeah that's what I had in mind, kind of like the Kotlin plugin : a couple custom mappers for fluent accessors and other oddities like this (ex: maybe...