Results 4 comments of FrankTheDevop

Hey MrSaints, thank you for your fast response and sorry for the late reply. This is what i figured out, based on your suggestions. # Setup * I used my...

Hey MrSaints, # Benchmark It heavily depended on the number of Workers. - 5 Workers took on average 20-40 seconds. - 10 Workers took on average 30-60 seconds The Time...

Hey MrSaints, I tried your suggestion. # Setup 2 Hosts - 2 GB Main Memory and 2 CPUs each monitoring: image: 'hopsoft/graphite-statsd:latest' mem_limit: 256m ports: - '80:80' - '2003:2003' -...

Hi MrSaints, This time I could only do a quick check. After adapting the parameters to WEAVER_ATHENA_CMD=athenapdf --orientation=Landscape, I get new errors: # Without GIN=DEBUG 2017-07-19T12:56:27.797421373Z [AthenaPDF] converting to PDF:...