Wrapping my head around @Preview annotation in Android Studio (and hoisting state up) What I don't like is that when I'd like to see previews in my app's theme, I...
Sometimes, I want to do stuff after the local heroes are done animating. Current flow is that I change the inflightbuilder to add False to an array, whenever a local...
I noticed that I had to add a LocalHeroScope to my app, in order to make everything work. Does it make sense to integrate that into LocalHeroController? Would make for...
Various fixes for compiling the example - Android v2 embedding - Kotlin Gradle Plugin - Gradle wrapper - Compile SDK to 31
When going into and out of the directory overview a couple of times, the application sets off an invocation target exception for "Reflect bootstrap failed" and points to the touchHelper...
When passing something not JSON, the assert in the converter will throw an exception. It seemed much cleaner to me, to instead have it return an Error widget that the...