Frank Buchholz
Frank Buchholz
..., for example the customizing settings in tables PRGN_CUST and TPSYSTEMDEFAULTS
Example for profile parameter ms/HTTP/logging_0 Actual Value PREFIX=/,LOGFILE=/usr/sap/S01/D01/log/ms-http-%y-%m-%d.log%o,MAXFILES=7,MAXSIZEKB=10000,SWITCHTF=day,LOGFORMAT=%t %a %u %r %s %b %{Host}i Recommended Value PREFIX=/,LOGFILE=$(DIR_LOGGING)/ms-http-%y-%m-%d.log%o,MAXFILES=7,MAXSIZEKB=10000,SWITCHTF=day,LOGFORMAT=%t %a %u %r %s %b %{Host}i After expansion of variable DIR_LOGGING, both parameters...
The original report `CLEANUP_PASSWORD_HASH_VALUES` changes the code version from `I` to `H` and `G` to `F` while deleting redundant hash values. The Z-report should do the same for entries with...