Francisco Borges
Francisco Borges
Can you send me a pull request? If I can compile with it, I could then merge it. On Oct 2, 2013 2:20 PM, "gsustek" [email protected] wrote: > problem resolved...
Apologies, I never answered your PR. I haven't monitored my github account in years.
Google search on the missing function shows it is part of the jpeg library. I am using `libjpeg-turbo` in these scripts. `libjpeg-turbo` was recently found to conflict (badly) with `libjpeg`...
To be honest, after I understood how `libjpeg-turbo` was making a mess:, I - very much regretted using it. - consider the usage of it a bug. FWIW, you _could_...
Just be aware that if you install anything that pulls `libjpeg` things will break.
Look, all problems you are getting are caused because this whole set of packages was put together to work with AA's package list and AA's build system. While you are...
Please do send a PullRequest! But I might only merge it into a different branch in order not to break AA (or I might just as well move AA tested...
@Marvin24 Hi, project is not being developed. Family life and day job don't leave much time left. Adding a new CUPS version should not be that difficult but I doubt...
@Marvin24 No idea how difficult it will actually turn out to be without trying. If you already have a cross-compilation environment set up, it should be straightforward for you to...
Which version of OpenWrt are you using? All packages here were only tested in AA. Did you follow the instructions to import all defined packages in the feed?