
Results 19 comments of fox

你好,请教个问题,你说用puppeteer在服务端生成骨架屏,这个是怎么做的,可以讲解一下吗。 我这边想不通点是既然是通过js计算得到骨架,那么用户设备的尺寸等是怎么获取到的呢? 提前感谢哈,抱拳

老哥 能不能看看你的简历呢?如果可以的话,发我邮箱,谢谢! ```[email protected]```

没啥居心啊...就是想学习一下,参考一下大佬的技术栈,向大佬靠齐啊 @jawil

@jawil 好吧,我之前被朋友内推美团,简历都没过,好尴尬..

@CGNonofr Hi~ thank your for your reply. the question is TextDocument/didopen. TextDocuemt/hover etc not work when server run success in abover repo. and I don't know how to fix this..

sorry. I will rephrase my problem。 I create an client and use **vscode-ws-jsonrpc** to connect server. and use vscode-ws-jsonrpc to forward an vls subProcess in the server. in order to...

Whether to support worker like this: ```typescript import editorWorker from 'monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/editor.worker?worker'; import htmlWorker from 'monaco-editor/esm/vs/language/html/html.worker?worker'; import vueWorker from 'vls/vue.worker';

@phil294 thank you for reply There is no error when run server. looks like as below: ![image]( And code like this: ```javascript connection.onInitialize(async (params) => { await _vls.init(params); console.log("Vetur initialized...

@phil294 Sorry to disturb~ this is the lastest process: [discussions](