This code currently builds but does not work on real hardware. I have had best results with `PNR=nextpnr` and `PNRFLAGS=--opt-timing`. Clock frequencies listed in `config.vh` are based on timing results...
Because of the nature of floating point arithmetic, almost-correct results are common. For example, (on my system) 8e-9*1e12 is not 8e3, but 8000.000000000001, a relative error of around 1e-16, or...
These extra spaces cause errors like warning: cannot resolve "python-requests " or warning: cannot resolve "python-flask >= 2.0" when converting python to pacman Closes: #1858
In [develop/lib/drivers/sysctl.c on line 1399](, the APB0, APB1, and APB2 clocks are documented as using even divider. However, in the code, the result is not multiplied by two, like with...
[This table]( cannot be converted to columnar storage. It fails on row 8620. However, inserting row 8620 by itself does not cause a failure, so I suspect this is due...
`CaseNameP` and `FullCaseNameP` are specified to use "...the case of letters in the identifier of the ... declaration." However, we currently always return these properties as uppercase. I don't think...
Create a file like ```vhdl entity test is end; architecture test of test is begin end; ``` Analyze it, nvc -a test.vhd then rename the architecture to `test2`. Reanalyze and...
As noted in #4, there are problems with synthesis in yosys. Whether or not this is a bug in yosys or not, these assignments are unnecessary, so we can remove...
This PR adds support for hypothesis-style decorations (#253). It's incomplete, for reasons outlined in the commit message. After playing around with ward a bit while writing this PR, I have...