
Results 32 issues of Snow

could you provide a demo for testing just like demo3.mp4 in your readme?

Excellent work, I want to follow your work, could you release multi-view dataset?

`actor_recording_data_folder = 'D:/MoCap_Data/David/NewSession_labeled/' blendshape_mesh_list_name = "C:/Users/Michael/PycharmProjects/FacialRetargeting/data/mesh_name_list.npy" load_folder = 'data/' sparse_blendhsape_vertices_pos_name = "louise_to_David_markers_blendshape_vertices_pos_v2.npy" save_folder = 'data/' save_file_name = "David_based_Louise_personalized_blendshapes_v2_NewEMesh_alpha_0.0001.npy" neutral_pose_name = 'Louise_Neutral' ref_actor_pose = 'data/David_neutral_pose.npy'` Could you please provide the data

missing could you provide them? Thanks

Interesting work Is there any plan to release the source code?

Hi,interesting work, could you provide sample data for test? cannot download please update link thanks

Hi, I have tested your code. but It occurrred memory running out. My computer has 16GB mem windows 10. could you tell me the system required?

Thanks for share blendshapes, could you please provide UV Coordinates for Texture Mapping ?