
Results 22 comments of Snow

@ShichenLiu Any plan to set non-square images ?

could you provide "pcSfm" ?

@Qiulin-W thanks providing test videos. Animation demo seems good. but the face swap demo I tesed by myself still seems not so good. @Qiulin-W

@PeterouZh could you share the last one ?

@PeterouZh thanks hope to release more work.

@xingmimfl thanks for your reply, could you share your loss functions and training parameters? I have some difficulty reimplements the Deep3DFaceReconstruction my email is [email protected]

@uniBruce could you provide the google drive link of mead dataset ?

@LizhenWangT Thanks your work, could you provide the related code about converting PCA shape components to Apple 51 blendshapes?

@LizhenWangT could you share the 52 blendshape head avatar mesh file in your tracking_v2.gif , so we can test the expression retarget ?