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prism-react-renderer copied to clipboard

🖌️ Renders highlighted Prism output to React (+ theming & vendored Prism)

Results 35 prism-react-renderer issues
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newest added I'm looking into what part of my code is bad (presumably I have a preparser that converts unescaped HTML tags into React components), but there it ends up causing... In Highlight.js (and probably other parents), children is rendered by calling it as a function. This can cause a subtle but hard-to-find issue depending on user's code. 1. If...

Hi, Docusaurus (v2) uses this project for syntax highlighting. --- Let's take this code: ```python @dataclass class MySQLConfig: host: str = "localhost" port: int = 3306 @dataclass class Config:...

Hey there! Would this project be open to instituting a fixed line-height (maybe configurable?) to make rendering across different fonts / browsers more consistent? Not sure how out of date...

Why it's not accepting 'html'? But it seems to be working.

i want to use this in my nextjs project . but i wonder to know is it works with NextJS ?

I use this library for displays Python code, and it is truly one of the best libraries of its kind. But in most cases there are too few tokens, and...

I have installed prism-react-renderer with: ```node npm install prism-react-renderer ``` Then in a component, I do: ```javascript import Highlight, { defaultProps } from "prism-react-renderer"; ``` So far so good, no...

I don't see json in the list of languages that are included. Is that an oversight, or is there a specific reason?