prism-react-renderer icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
prism-react-renderer copied to clipboard

🖌️ Renders highlighted Prism output to React (+ theming & vendored Prism)

Results 35 prism-react-renderer issues
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The following code should compile, but it doesn't: ```tsx import Highlight from 'prism-react-renderer' import Prism from 'prismjs' export default function App() { return {() => null} } ``` Error...

I'm currently working on a legacy code that uses this library and I haven't found a way to apply the bold text to a specific words in the code, something...

Hi, I have a problem on my website that I've reported on the Docusaurus and PrismJS repos and it seems prism-react-renderer might be related to the issue. Please [see the...

If we adf line numbers with Editor and then copy paste a piece of code and then try to select the code, you will see some code overlapping is there....

For long codes currently we have option to enable scroll which shows scroll bar at bottom and right hand side. It takes quite a bit of space and also it's...

The issue was resolved with pull request (commit But, since the commit , the issue is back. Can that be fixed again ?

I believe these two languages are common and generic enough to deserve being supported by default. I created a PR at to add them in the supported languages list....

Hi there! :wave: I have a working setup with `prism-react-renderer`, using a manual import of Prism library and a dedicated [Babel plugin]( that allows me to configure my Prism instance...

Let's say I have three different punctuation tokens: `span.token.tag.spread.punctuation`, `span.token.tag.script.punctuation` and `span.token.tag.punctuation`. To get closer to a vscode dark+ theme, the first two tags are actually a different color than...

If merged, this will add a usage example for inline code snippets ## Why? I couldn't find documentation on how to use highlighting for inline code snippets. Took me a...