描述这个问题。 A clear and concise description of what the problem is. Ex. I'm always frustrated when [...] 这个issue中作者您提到“长按,有个全选,再移动收藏夹"可以通过这种方法来将云端收藏转变为本地收藏,但是在使用时只有下载界面长按后会出现全选选项,在收藏界面,不管是云端,本地,还是favorite中长按只有移动收藏夹,删除,下载3个选项 **描述你想要的解决方法 / Describe the solution you'd like** 描述应通过何种行为来解决这个问题。 A clear and...
Hi, I'm traning my model under your framework. I got this error information: Number of documents with category indicative terms found for each category is: {0: 9014, 1: 0, 2:...
Hi, I'm trying to run your project but I failed in creating anaconda environment. I met this issue: Pip subprocess error: ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the...