cuda_voxelizer icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
cuda_voxelizer copied to clipboard

CUDA Voxelizer to convert polygon meshes into annotated voxel grids

Results 12 cuda_voxelizer issues
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Hi, thanks for sharing this code and I'm experimenting the code. I don't quite understand the `TopLeftEdge` function * Is this check necessary? * What does it mean in...


I've made a few code improvements to your CPU version that increase efficiency by about 10 times The test results in the same environment are as follows: 64*64*64--->5ms 128*128*128--->7ms 256*256*256--->19ms...

input/help wanted

I try to input 32/50/64/100 as voxel grid length in cpu mode. 32/64/100 work very well, but 50 has a bug. I have uploaded my source obj file and output...

input/help wanted

Would be nice to have this as an option for export


I tried this model by removing the codes between Line89 to Line99 in util.h


I just voxelized a simple cube, defined as (obj file): v 150.100006 400.100006 550.099976 v 550.099976 400.100006 550.099976 v 150.100006 800.099976 550.099976 v 550.099976 800.099976 550.099976 v 150.100006 800.099976 150.100006...


Hi,@Forceflow I have found the reason which caused the problem that you mentioned in util.h. In cpu_voxelizer.cpp Line 133 to Line 135 and Line 131 to Line 133 The...

input/help wanted

As it was a hustle to set this project up on Linux i made a dockerfile(with the help of the github action) to build the project. Afterwards i documented how...


Hello all, I found a workaround but I do not know if its intended to be an issue or not. I you try to input a mesh file and generate...
