Jeroen Baert

Results 51 comments of Jeroen Baert

Cool, would be interesting to see these improvements in a PR?

Could you make a PR for this? It's hard comparing code with all the formatting gone.

If I read this correctly, you're trying a non-cubical voxel grid? There is still no official support for this - ymmv. Have you tried with the developer branch? Thanks for...

Can you try again with the latest release version?

Yeah, I'm looking at the following exporters: If you got any other libraries worth checking out, let me know.

Doesn't fix problem mentioned in #7. See attached problem model. []( So I'm hesitant to accept this PR and removing the epsilon fix.

Yeah, this doesn't compile.

Yeah, I think this is an artifact of the bounding box of the model perfectly aligning with the model itself. Probably a numeric instability. Will look into it.

Interesting, looking into this. If I can get rid of the hacky little epsilon perturbation, would be nice.

@conceptclear this doesn't fix the problem unfortunately. I added this, and removed the ugly fix in util.h - the problem returns. Tried it on the problematic model from issue #7...