James Forbes
James Forbes
It would have been a really good idea if they had made it work with JIRA Server as well. @hollowsunsets have you found a work around?
As of Jira version 8.14 you should be able to generate a personal token. That might help with using this github action. https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/JRASERVER-67869?error=login_required&error_description=Login+required&state=56336871-d7d3-48d4-b342-10c2be730188
The API for the JIRA server and JIRA cloud is different. The GitHub action won't work even with newer versions of JIRA server. @hollowsunsets good idea. For anyone else here...
Im glad that https://charts.containeroo.ch and https://ebrianne.github.io/helm-charts. Will these be kept up to date with new releases? Currently version 0.0.20 is out. Any word on when rancher will do there own...
I've been searching for this functionality. I'm very surprised it wasn't already an option. It would be useful to be able to set filenames.
@barqshasbite I was looking for this functionality. I'm pleased to see someone was working on it. It would be very useful to be able to set file names. Can you...
It good to hear work on this feature is continuing. @BillYoungman is your version of the plugin still up to date with new changes to the Master branch? For my...
@BillYoungman Is there no way of just allow us to set the filename our selves, for instance you can do this with the file output plugin when setting the path.
This is still broken on harbor 2.10.0
Has this already been implemented so the user can specify the flag `--skip-verify` or the environment variable `INFLUX_SKIP_VERIFY`?