
Results 10 comments of JackoooooR


> Cheers! Hello.Have you obtained the correct data set? Can you send me a copy? I have never used Matlab.. Thank you.

> You can find the annpoints in preapre_SHHB.m. > annPoints = image_info{1}.location; > You can try to modify it. Have you obtained the correct data set? Can you send me...

> @gjy3035 Hi ! Thanks for your timely reply. I tried the data set you provided and ran your project, but the same problem occurred. Has the SHHA been updated?...

> Hi, thanks for your excellent works and discussion. > > When I run the train.py for SHHA datasets, I got a dimension error(VGG net). But only happened when I...

> 对于sigma的选取,我们也注意到了CSR等一些经典论文对于不同的数据集使用不同的核大小参数。在我们的实验中,该值的设置对计数性能影响其实很小,因此我们全部采用了15这个值。 你看到代码里的sigma值(在get_density_map_gaussian.m的21行fspecial函数),应该是标准差的含义。恰巧我们叫它sigma,而很多论文中也叫他sigma。这个参数在matlab中有详细的解释:h = fspecial('gaussian', hsize, sigma) returns a rotationally symmetric Gaussian lowpass filter of size hsize with standard deviation sigma (positive). 请问如何为我自己的数据集生成.mat文件的标注呢

> I will release both of them, but it might take some more time. Mainly the FS part. For now, you can follow [this](https://github.com/ucbdrive/few-shot-object-detection) Few-Shot code base (dataloaders, classes, datasplit,...

> I've re-produced the paper including the training code. > https://github.com/yoon28/unpaired_face_sr If someone had try this methed? It's right?

![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/31236750/117580613-5607e480-b12b-11eb-985b-386a1a6dcf3c.png) I don't know why to set these data....this cause the program die