Do this : ``` componentDidMount() { ReactGA.initialize(GA_TRACKING_ID) ReactGA.ga('require', *GO_CONTAINER_ID) ... } ``` Like this it will be load in CSR
I think SSR is better for dynamic pages/content
I found a tricky solution : ``` constructor() { super(); this.state = { scrollable : false }; this.prevRef = React.createRef(); } ``` ``` componentDidMount() { this.prevRef.current.click(); //You can loop on...
It will also be a good idea to set in the config the bittrex commission. Like this we are sure to sell when revenue - bittrex_commission > minimun_revenue
In percent I think : https://bittrexglobal.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360009625260-What-fees-does-Bittrex-Global-charge-
`minimun_revenue` in percent would be great 👍