Florian Bienefelt

Results 31 comments of Florian Bienefelt

We're not 100% sure yet, but it seems like our update from 2.5.2 to 2.7.3 just crashed our entire production deployment - and it seems like this might be the...

At the very least you could start to display the text if we had access to some of the utils. I assume that this would display something that looks ok:...

This is what I get with 0 styles in Google Chrome. The only thing I added was a red text color for highlights and a monospace font to try and...

@jlichti Just realised it is indeed this package that pulls in meteor-node-stubs, did you figure out why? Got the same bundle-size reduction as you when removing it, huge!

Which package did you use, and did it do any sort of automatic logging?

Hi guys, we're gonna need localization, which tools would you start with, off the top of your head?

Well to me there are really only 2 options: * You set the default value in the field and in the model * You don't set the default value, neither...

Bumping, this change is really important for us and how we use these forms :)

Well sure, but it does not address my issue. I expect shrink to work in the object form, and the documentation is not clear about the fact that it doesn’t.