Thanks, please inform me if any update.
Hi, I solved this issue by running it on Google colab.
Hi, Sorry for disturbance again. When I read through the resnet34imnet10-nospeed.yaml file, I found when training the model you also include the speed branch in the loss function to update...
@felipecode @markus-hinsche @AdamGleave Hi, apologize for contacting again, but this is actually really confusing me. 1. If CILR corresponding to the model without speed branch, then why we also give...
Hi, I also have a question regarding to the yaml file provided. Why we have AVOID_STOPPING: FALSE for all models no matter for nospeed or with speed branch. I would...
Hi, I could not download the CARLA100 Dataset as well. My current location is in HongKong. Can someone help?