Flor Sanders
Flor Sanders
Hi! So, it appears that I'm getting this exact same error when attempting login. ``` AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]: Missing scope parameter in authentication request at D:\OneDrive - UGent\University\Bachelor 3\Semester 2\Vakoverschrijdend project\Code\Datasaver\node_modules\@solid\oidc-rp\src\AuthenticationRequest.js:61:9...
@CxRes Thanks so much, got it working! I'll quickly explain what I did if anyone else happens to stumble upon the same thing. Editing straight in the node_modules folder to...
@Leoudayan Directly editing the code in my node_modules folder didn't seem to help either, I pretty much followed that tutorial step by step. - Fork and clone the solid-cli library...
This issue still seems to persist on the ESP8266, the workaround proposed by @SimonKlausLudwig does work though, if anyone but me still might come across this issue.
If anyone else needs to run llama.cpp on a Jetson Nano, I compiled all the advice listed here needed to get it running into a [github gist](https://gist.github.com/FlorSanders/2cf043f7161f52aa4b18fb3a1ab6022f). Have fun!