
Results 14 comments of FloatingSunfish

More discussions **_[here](https://www.reddit.com/r/golang/comments/wm81y3/how_do_you_guys_deal_with_renaming_interface/)_**.

@joerdav > I'm happy to build an implentation for this, however I think I have the shared worry with others that there could be uninteded renames in the unlikely event...

@adonovan Hmm, could this be a [vscode-go](https://github.com/golang/vscode-go) issue then instead of a `gorename` issue? By your post, it seems that the `gorename` tool works as intended when you refactor from...

@adonovan Unfortunately, I can't seem to get `gorename` to work on Windows' command line. Not sure if [this issue](https://github.com/golang/go/issues/20422) is the cause. Anyone who can get a proper `gorename` command...

@haimat Thanks for confirming this issue in another language! 🙂 Please give the OP a Thumbs Up so the dev can add it to their backlog!

Because the dev seems to be inactive for now, I found a workaround: ``` "editor.tokenColorCustomizations": { // Make all comments Red. "comments": "#FF2D00" } ``` Won't be needing this extension...

@haimat My apologies for the confusion. I meant a workaround for my specific case, as I was only using this extension to make my comments stand out by making them...

@boxed I use the report to check each file with surviving mutants one by one (I click on the files to open them in their own tab) and look at...

@boxed Could you provide the commands for my specific usecase? I'll try them out and let you know my thoughts as well. 🙂