
Results 6 issues of Fleymour

1606x ...faceAddOnSkins/SkinsSilverDragon.lua:13: attempt to index field 'backdrop' (a nil value) [string "@AddOnSkins/SkinsSilverDragon.lua"]:13: in function [string "@SilverDragon/targets/popup.lua"]:15: in function `ApplyLook' [string "@SilverDragon/targets/popup.lua"]:364: in function [string "=(tail call)"]: ? [string "@SharedXML/Pools.lua"]:116: in...

hey would be nice to have a marker on the map where the daily quest NPC is and my / our current progress in the Achievement. if possible also which...

Solved next release


38x BagBrother/frames/containers/item.lua:24: attempt to call method 'IsReagents' (a nil value) [string "@BagBrother/frames/containers/item.lua"]:24: in function Locals: self = BagnonContainerItem283 { IconOverlay = Texture { } AugmentBorderAnim = AnimationGroup { } showMatchHighlight...

1x ...aceBagBrother/libs/Poncho-2.0-4/Poncho-2.0.lua:40: script ran too long [string "@BagBrother/libs/Poncho-2.0-4/Poncho-2.0.lua"]:40: in function `Update' [string "@BagBrother/frames/containers/item.lua"]:72: in function `Update' [string "@BagBrother/core/classes/item.lua"]:45: in function [string "=(tail call)"]: ? [string "@BagBrother/core/classes/itemGroup.lua"]:125: in function `?' [string...

4x BagBrother/core/api/frames.lua:34: script ran too long [string "@BagBrother/core/api/frames.lua"]:34: in function `Show' [string "@BagBrother/core/api/frames.lua"]:24: in function [string "=(tail call)"]: ? [string "@BagBrother/core/features/autoDisplay.lua"]:83: in function `ToggleAllBags' [string "OPENALLBAGS"]:1: in function Locals: self...