```sql CREATE TABLE source ( id INT, name STRING, money DECIMAL(32, 2), dateone timestamp, age bigint, datethree timestamp, datesix timestamp(6), datenigth timestamp(9), dtdate date, dttime time, PROCTIME AS PROCTIME() )...
```sql CREATE TABLE order_info_kafka ( message ROW< `schema` varchar, opTime bigint, type varchar, `table` varchar, after ROW>, proc_time AS PROCTIME() ) WITH ( 'properties.bootstrap.servers' = 'flink01:9092,flink02:9092,flink03:9092', 'connector' = 'kafka-x', 'scan.parallelism'...
> 如果使用Taier 可以通过向导模式建表,不需要自定义ddl建表语句。
I can work for pulsar sink connector. thx
How about add TD-engine?
Has this issue been finished yet? If not, I can help.
> hi @FlechazoW , I assigned this issue to you, FYI @joshuyaaa Ok, i will finish it asap.
> I will finish it before Wednesday.
Hi, i am sorry that the documents need to be delayed for a few days. These days i was busy with work, and i'm thirty percent done, i think i...
@CalvinKirs Can you assign me the sink and source of pulsar? I can do them.