Flavio Lima
Flavio Lima
Did you test it in android or iOS?
Having the same problem
Found that I had my view receiving props and refreshing, and when this happens the component start to "mal function".
Can i just do npm install realm and react-native link realm? I thought that i had to do this in a different way because of this library.
@Kureev @satya164 thank you very much.
@jpincheira To be honest I do not know xD, I connect the realm manually, but it starts to give me a different error, but I believe the realm has been...
@jpincheira I'm gonna reopen this issue to see if anyone can help you :) And by the way, can you just try to start a new project with this libraries...
@Mjuk-Biltvatt I did a dirty hack but for now it solves the problem: So what i did was, i created a ref in the ModalPicker, and when i'm gonna clear...