Hi daijiang and rdinnager Thanks for the reply. As for the model with random effects, I may be wrong, but phylolm is not just for logistic regression and Poisson distribution....
Hi! first of all, I apologize for not attaching the phylogenetic tree. I copy the link to the phylogenetic tree. https://github.com/OrsolyaVincze/VinczeEtal2021Nature/blob/d2f8e2dff8e64393ce3512f8b8490507fa9ae803/consensus_phylogeny.tre These are the syntaxes I tried with the subsequent...
I am very grateful for your help. Both are very helpful. I can run this model perfectly. > M1=pglmm(cbind(Neoplasia, Nodeadbycancer) ~ LitterSize +log(BodyMass)+log(lifeexp)+(1|OLRE), data = datapaper, family = "zeroinflated.binomial",cov_ranef =...
Sorry for the delay in responding, I had been away for the last few days. It will be great if the validation of models works employing Dharma. In the same...