Thomas Richtsfeld
Thomas Richtsfeld
@pedrovgs what exactly should be changed in the initialization? Doing the calls after the super methods?
I also have the same crash on my Nexus 5x. If I use ARGB_8888 it doesn'T crash, but i get a black image. Would be nice if you could figure...
@moster67 I also tried this one, but just got a black image on my Nexus 5x. Do you get a correct image?
I searched around in the interenet a lot the last months and the solution with the ImageReader API was the most found answer. I am just curious why it worked...
@omerjerk I am curious about how you implemented it in your screenshot application on the play store?
You can easily set a time range using the `timePicker` extensions function. See [here](
Ah sorry, my bad. Seems like we can only set the year for the moment