Can't get it to work. With the old version, I had to compile the hyperion-remote on the Ubuntu-machine. Do I still need that now? In Configuration.php, I set: 'Remote server...
Not sure what you mean by 'deployed on another server to your pi'... :-) The webapp is on my Ubuntu (, which has the hyperion-remote in usr/sbin, and the page...
Changed the IP's, followed the other instructions, no luck. Is there actually a functional advantage to using the newer version? If not, I'm staying with the one that's working! :-D
Yes, hyperion-remote works, I had to get that working for the old version too :) I have the old and new in separate folders under /var/www so no need to...
First of all, I'd like to say I really appreciate the time you are putting into this :+1: So, I deleted my git-folder and recloned it, just to be sure....
This gets logged when I load the page: ``` [Sun Feb 08 21:44:34.879143 2015] [:error] [pid 11121] [client] Executing 'hyperion' command to '': ps aux | grep [h]yperion |...
Yeah, sorry, I've been updating the message a little. I first had another error, but realised that was because I didn't put username/password between quotes :) I installed ssh2, different...
Victory!!! :-D
Sure am! :) I'll do some more thorough testing tomorrow, but seems to be running just fine :+1:
Everything is OK, except for 1 thing. Don't know if it's only for my situation though. Whether or not hyperion is running on the pi, I always get the 'full'...