Results 18 comments of Devon 'fire' Adkisson

The search also doesn't do exact matching. Mine brings up tests of various people that have 'fire' in their username.

I'm seeing this as well, with both SC2086 and SC2248 colliding with SC2250. ```shell git push origin HEAD:$GIT_BRANCH; ^---------^ SC2086: Double quote to prevent globbing and word splitting. ^---------^ SC2250:...

Ironically I immediately realized that while I can't add groups from add_group, I can add them from `add_filter`, e.g., ```ruby add_filter do |src_file| if src_file.project_filename.include? "app/controllers" group_name = src_file.project_filename.split(%r{/}, 5)[3]...

That would work, yes, but I don't know the groups ahead of time without manually indexing the folder structure first. The idea was to be able to leverage SimpleCov's own...

I both agree and disagree - I filed this more for exploration on how it might be possible to implement any part of it, likewise, the usefulness of drilling down...

I personally am looking to use this with [Open Broadcaster Software]( ( which supports VST 2.x plugins ) and potentially other VST hosts.

Sorry, yes, I am using Windows for this! I'll check out Carla, thanks! I've never heard of it before

Also experiencing this on Windows, but as the windows version is compiled, I can't perform this kind of edit without fully rebuilding the project. Kind of frustrating, since it means...

even with all of the other steps ( thanks @ManxStef ) I still needed to `brew link opencv@2` to get beyond `fatal error: 'opencv2/core/core.hpp' file not found` cc: @kirkegross @balchlab...

Any possibility of movement on this @djs55 ? This is still an incredibly pain point for development with split network access requirements