I have met this problem too Try deleting windows prefetch files C:\Windows\Prefetch\ C:\Windows\Prefetch\
See this fork
It's Intel's fault.Full support of hevc needs Kabylake or after iGPU(HD Graphics 6xx) Same behavior on Haswell&Broadwell iGPUs. > As an example for something that still causes problems: certain combinations of HEVC and Intel chips on Windows tend to cause mpv to crash, most likely due to...
About 7~8years ago,Intel claimed that its HD graphics could decode HEVC through "hybrid decode".But later they deleted relevant statements on their website.Based on my test with Broadwell/Haswell CPUs,mpv works with...
Recent discovery. On Windows8.1,mpv hwdec=d3d11va plays hevc samples without crash. GPU:HD grahics 5500
some more clues: it may be concerned with window size. And if I disable the geometry options in mpv.conf, the problem doesn't show up. part of log before the problem...