Yueming Hao

Results 25 issues of Yueming Hao

### Description The original `zero_grad` calls `grad.zero_()` for every eligible tensor. There will be a lot of tiny cuda kernels in this way. I add a temporary list to save...

cla signed

ubuntu 20.04 使用install_2.8.22.sh 安装当前repo下的包,qq和微信是readme中推荐的版本。 使用rime输入法可以正常在qq和微信中输入中文。使用新版本的搜狗输入法则无法输入中文。 没有找到给搜狗输入法反馈的地方。



问题1:在扇贝背单词的界面,需要点两次发音才能发音。 问题2:在背单词时,如果使用了快捷键,比如D键翻到下一个单词,则上一次划词翻译弹出来的窗口还在,而且有时需要点击空白处两次,窗口才会消失。

Add an argument `--torchexpert` to enable TorchExpert analysis for profiling. Add submodule [TorchExpert](https://github.com/FindHao/TorchExpert). TorchExpert is an analysis tool for profiling results of PyTorch Profiler.

cla signed

I found that in theme pelican-bootstrap3, there's no support of plugin pin_to_top which is really useful. So I add this feature for this theme.

### 🚀 The feature Hi, when analyzing the profiling results of [detectron2_fasterrcnn_r_101_fpn](https://github.com/pytorch/benchmark) in inference mode, I found some inefficiencies. More details described in the following box. ### Motivation, pitch The...

module: ops

开机后topbar自动透明,pkill后重新打开正常。 更新6.19版本后出现该问题。

The `train.py` will search for `run_6.7b.sh` by default for 6.7B size, but no files are named `run_6.7b.sh` in step1 and step3. So I copied them from the existing `run_6.7b_lora.sh` and...

# What does this PR do? This PR fixes the performance issue in model big_bird. In model bigbird, the random masks are generated each time, and it calls a huge...