Same here. It seems this is displayed when the device is locked.
Because it is some unicode issue, some .encode("utf-8") should solve this. After looking into the code, it seems, in addition to changing line 59 of ./bin/smstools into print " "...
Yes, this is another solution, but I think the first part of my solution will keep the informations of your script which is interesting because it allows to check that...
Up because I noted that my messages have been hidden before by github.
Perhaps is it due to mmssms.db-journal which is included into the basic android (without any sms) and not generated by the script...
I think I understand (one of) the issue(s) : a date_sent field should exist in tables sms and pdu (it exists in empty mmssms.db files but not into the files...
Yes, I tried to understand where SQL request on pdu and sms tables have to be modified. I have done some modifications (creation/insertion/update of same content into fields date and...
mmssms.db does not seems to be accepted by android, even by adding date_sent fields to sms and pdu tables. Generated structure seems to be consistent with initial db given with...
I can push my modifications if you want, but they do not allow the mmssms.db generated to be recognized, just let me know...
Could we find somewhere which version this script has been tested _with success_, by the author or someone else ? Perhaps some modifications have been added and break some compatibility....