SMS-Tools copied to clipboard
Exported iOS messages have inverted sender & receiver
- Application version: 0.2.1
- Python version: 2.7.6
- iOS: 8.1.1
Produced XML has sender & receivers inverted. Observed after importing into Android & verified by looking at the XML.
I am reporting the issue in case some one else faces it. I will try to find some free time in the days following to investigate it and possibly provide a patch.
Could we find somewhere which version this script has been tested with success, by the author or someone else ? Perhaps some modifications have been added and break some compatibility. Perhaps also it could help us finding some bugs into our android code...
Looks like I need a few android phones to run this against.. Right now I've got one weird huawe phone I bought as a novelty. I'd like to test adb run-as functionality and see differences between cyanogenmod, htc, samsung, and others (not to mention running it on the new Android releases).
We could perhaps help you with our phones, if we decide some basic formalism to describe which result is given by which test on which phone. Let us know if we can help