Philippe Rivière
Philippe Rivière
I don't know, but I like the precision and code safety (and scoping) given by let/const. However it's true that it could be a long time during which the code...
@domoritz has done the manual work of replacing `var` declarations with the appropriate `const` and `let` for d3-scale ( One issue is that the resulting (compressed) file size has increased...
Ah, right! I had measured the minified's size—but you're correct that what we should measure is the gzip'ed minified: then it's not even 1%, but 0.4% "heavier" 👍
My experiment with lebab was quite positive, too, so I believe a bot could do the work without creating too many new issues by itself. However note we currently have...
If there's a way to upgrade the PRs, that objection vanishes. I am totally sold on the benefits of using ES6 and prettier throughout. But I think Mike doesn't like...
There is an effort to work the API in a more (data-) structured way: - data extraction (by reading all the READMEs from all the D3 modules): - example...
two remarks: - The more generic syntax we have atm is `· [Source](), [Examples]()` with the examples link being optional. - When there is a change in a method's API,...
Yes, it makes sense this way.
- the raster maps are much modernized in e.g. - the second link (chronicle) works for me. with this notebook I was able to recreate the montage and...
you can use `science = require('[email protected]')`