Danny Althoff

Results 269 comments of Danny Althoff

Can you check what will generated inside the `.cfg`-file?

`build/jfx/native/{appname}/app/` should contain it ....

:D i think i get it now ... this is not how that feature works ... that options are not appended while calling jfxRun

This is half bug and other half feature, because "jfxRun" was only ment as some "stupid shorthand" for running the application. Thanks for finding this ;) and using the plugin

Hi @marckaraujo , can you try to add your parameters to `jfx.runJavaParameter` ? That one is one string and ment for debugging (like `jfxRun` is itself). I have thought about...

Have you tried this configuration? ```groovy jfx{ // used for native launchers jvmArgs = [ '-agentlib:TakipiAgent' ] // used for development via jfxRun-task runJavaParameter = '-agentlib:TakipiAgent' } ```

@MartinEden the task `jfxRun` runs your application within its own java-process (I use ProcessBuilder for this), therefor I think this is a misunderstanding how the "debugging"-feature from your IDE is...

Hi, you might want to use `runJavaParameter` for this ```groovy jfx { runJavaParameter = '-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=5005' } ``` This parameter was introduced to have debug-settings running, but not having this...

You are right, currently there is no way for this. Just being curious: was this possible on the plugin from Danno?

I have looked into the sources of the OpenJDK, it seems that both bundlers (`MacDmgBundler` and `MacPkgBundler`) are using the same idea to get the filename. There might be a...