Results 10 issues of Fi5t

Add PINkman to the Security section. **Repository:** **Reason:** This library helps users to implement authentication by PIN code securely.

I've tried to convert [this]( file but haven't succeeded. The conversion result turned out to be incorrect.

В разделе Public Key Pinning необходимо учесть следующие пожелания: > но там точно не хватает пояснения че делать с пиннингом, когда серт нужно срочно поменять, тк его хром отозвал например...


Hi @nakov! Your book is really nice work! What do you think about translations it to the other languages?

I faced a strange bug when tried to work with two instances of this shared preferences. I use Tink as an encryption engine with your library and want to show...

`jadx.core.export.ExportGradleProject` class contains a method `skipGeneratedClasses`, which prevents exporting `BuildConfig` classes. From my point of view this is a bug. I tried removing that call from the `init()` method and...


Hello! I'm really glad to see an Android version of the Argon2 library. I wanted to do it myself, but I haven't found enough time for it. Thanks for having...

good first issue

### Describe your idea Recently I've found the interesting annotation in decompiled code. It comes from Kotlin - `@SourceDebugExtension({"SMAP\nLifecycle.kt\nKotlin\n*S Kotlin\n*F\n+ 1 Lifecycle.kt\nandroidx/lifecycle/Lifecycle\n+ 2 fake.kt\nkotlin/jvm/internal/FakeKt\n*L\n1#1,446:1\n1#2:447\n*E\n"})`. It annotates an obfuscated class: I...

new feature

I've tried to run this tool in Android and faced some strange problem. I ran script `kernel-hardening-checker` with autodetect and saw the following error in the terminal: ```shell # python3...
