Nikolay Lanets

Results 26 issues of Nikolay Lanets

If include graphql-voyager after load document (because SSR not works) getJsUrl calling clears a document via [document.write()](, because document.write works correctly only while DOM still in loading. P.S. special "thanks"...

This issue is a: - Question / support request How can i exclude node_modules when run yarn test? My component include 3-part modules and they have a test errors. ```...

Added @prisma-cms/nextjs-nexus Make sure all of these are checked before submitting a PR! Thank you. - [x] I added the project **at the top** of the relevant list (don't add...

Line 84 (0, _loadScript2.default)('', function () {

### Type of issue Bug ### Current behavior Places in src/node_modules/ components did not parse. ```/node_modules/myApp/src/App/index.js:1 (function (exports, require, module, __filename, __dirname) { import React from 'react' ``` ### Expected...


## 🐛 Bug Report When load url with another locale, do redirect. For example: `http://localhost:3000/en/oauth2/connect?foo=foo` redirects to `http://localhost:3000/oauth2/connect?foo=foo` (if locale equal defaultLocale) But in this case next-js router missing query...


Without nonNullDefaults i got types like this: ```ts System: { // root type avatar?: NexusGenRootTypes['Attachment'] | null; // Attachment id: number; // Int! title?: string | null; // String };...

Related to #176, and other. Yes, i setted tracing: false and cacheControl: false options and this applyed. ``` This GraphQL server doesn’t support tracing. See the following page for...

Trying set record value string ~1.5 Mbytes. Schema field type String. ``` type Queue { id: ID! @unique responseText: String ... } ``` Database column type mediumtext | utf8mb4_unicode_ci (tryed...

ls -la /dev/disk/ total 0 drwxr-xr-x 6 root root 140 Apr 3 05:25 . drwxr-xr-x 18 root root 3900 Apr 3 03:08 .. drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 80 Apr 3...