More information is required to help you out here but I'll try to give you some hints to maybe lead you in the right direction. Somewhere in the original markup,...
Yes I think so. Well, I experimented a little with your two examples. First of all: Your transformer rule won't match the youtube example video, because that is embedded in...
Well, your springboard example is definitely working for me the way you describe it. I put the script and iframe tag (iframe tag wrapped by a div.interactive) into the content...
Well, the documentation is pretty clear regarding the width I think. And it does seem to strip the width attribute. I would guess, even if you'd set the width property...
I ran into the same issue but didn't want to switch to faye and private_pub, because I already had all the juggernaut stuff up and running nicely. Therefore I made...
That also came to my mind. I tried to disable retries in the config file for cassandra/active_column (config/cassandra.yml). Tried 0 and 1 for the number of retries and even increased...