The logfile contains no information about this tearing, but all right. Included. [20210220-013150_FerretBomb_1080N60NVQ8M-Skul_Spyro_StreamRaiders.mkv.txt](https://github.com/obsproject/obs-studio/files/6152853/20210220-013150_FerretBomb_1080N60NVQ8M-Skul_Spyro_StreamRaiders.mkv.txt) I have not forced-on vsync for OBS itself, no. Again, this issue does present in the Preview...
Again, this does NOT happen when testing with other capture programs (at least with the video capture devices I have available, I cannot check Game Capture with others for obvious...
Gladly. There are quite a few more than this, but as most of them use vague language to describe tearing, it's pretty hard to track them down with a search....
It establishes that the capture device is able to provide non-tearing output, and likely is not at-fault. I'd agree that there may be some other hardware or driver issue at...