> You then need to contend with the fact that the player is now permanently upside-down, you will either have to invert the attachment rotation or the body bone of...
> if we can be sure that bone attachment does not cause the player to lag behind the cart Do you mean that there's a lag between the player and...
@JonnySiHI have you actually managed to connect using Ivacy by making use of their ovpn files and the [Custom Provider configuration](https://github.com/qdm12/gluetun/wiki/Custom-provider)? I've been trying but it doesn't seem to work...
Ok, after contacting Ivacy support it appears there's a different username, it's not the email what we have to use (though I couldn't see any way to find that username...
Oh, it works if I use the TCP servers, instead of UDP. Great!
> I was thinking that most of the time publishers will apply updates to the underlying data their sharing. So re-downloading the whole data would be bad. For instance, imagine...
This looks like a good idea to avoid legal trouble too, and prove wagic is more an engine thats truely customizable rather than just a way to play MTG
Would this allow the lutro core to load the files from the game.lutro zips directly without the need to unzip everything on disk first? that would be cool. The lutro...
I've made this snippet that can be used in the header of the `main.lua` for Löve games to try and use `lutro` for available functions, or otherwise display a message...
Well, I was thinking just making it generalized, instead of going one by one, any index accessed that is not known would display an error or warning in the terminal...